Mercury enters aries.

On March 18th at 22:25 (MT), Mercury moves into Aries. Just two days before the Vernal Equinox, and the start of the astrological New Year, Mercury heralds this change of seasons. If you, like me, have spent Pisces season in a sleepy stupor, Mercury’s transit into Aries comes as welcome relief. Mercury is in fall in Pisces, as Pisces is opposite its domicile sign Virgo. Therefore, Mercury does not do well in watery, dreamy Pisces. In Aries, it fairs a bit better, though you may run afoul of disagreeableness during Mercury’s transit through the fiery sign. Personally, I would rather have conflict — at least it is concrete— than wishy washy Piscean modes of communication.

Mercury is associated with the second card in the Major Arcana, The Magician. The Rider Waite Smith Magician has a work bench before them, with all four suits of the Minor Arcana laid out before it. In one hand they hold a wand, pointing towards the sky, the other hand points to the ground. Thus, the Magician embodies the phrase “as above, so below.” The Magician directs their will, manifests their future, and makes use of all of their tools.

Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, is a Cardinal sign, the signs that initiate the changing of the seasons. As I’ll discuss in my post for the [first] new moon in Aries later this week, Aries is the sign of willpower, for better or for worse. From the Magician, the Fool learns how to direct his will and create something outside of himself. Aries is unchanneled will—until you give it direction.

Mercury, the herald of the Gods, out runs the Sun, making his head start into Aries. His ingress encourages one to reflect and get ready to make astrological New Year’s resolutions. We are very blessed to have two new moons in Aries. The second one initiates eclipse season as the Lunar Nodes move into Aries and Libra, which will last for about 18 month, so it’s said that the themes that come up during the first eclipse of that season, will continue to come up in the following lunations in that series of eclipses. Use the first new moon in Aries to set your pure, unadulterated new years resolution, but also reflect on the themes Aries and Libra represent in your chart, by looking at which houses they fall in. As an Aries Rising, these eclipses fall in my first house of self and my seventh house of other. For the last 6 months, the themes of my perception of self versus the way others perceive me has been an evergreen theme, I expect it to come up more frequently during Aries-Libra Eclipse Season.


The Sun Enters Aries


On the Full moon in Virgo